The performance is about absence: the absence of a father, the absence of a body to bury and the absence of 30,000 missing people in Argentina, during the last military dic- tatorship. But absence generates its opposite: resilience, presence and identity. Absence is the starting point to build a performance that contains both a personal message and political discourse. Although no words will ever be enough to compensate the horror and suffering which have touched many generations of Argentinians, the autobiographical words of a child and the real pain caused by the recent loss of her father become the dramaturgical solution which allows to tell the story of a Latin American country hit by a military dictatorship.
Supported by: Amnesty International; Dirección General de Asuntos Culturales de la Can- cillería de la República Argentina; Secretaría de Cultura de la Presidencia de la Nación; Odin Teatret; Magdalena 2a Generación (Network of Women in Contemporary Arts).