Free with
Venue and date:
Uránia National Film Theatre, Budapest
2023. 05. 26., 15:00
Heiner Goebbels - fotó: Eöri Szabó Zsolt
Heiner Goebbels - fotó: Eöri Szabó Zsolt
Professional program

The aesthetics of absence – workshop with Heiner Goebbels

Free with
Venue and date:
Uránia National Film Theatre, Budapest
2023. 05. 26., 15:00

European Theatre Prize and International Ibsen Prize-winning German composer and director Heiner Goebbels' workshop as part of the 10th International Theatre Olympics at the University of Theatre and Film Arts.

Heiner Goebbels believes in a polyphony of collaborative workflow, abandoning the hierarchical performance structure. In his productions and performances, the director-composer offers his viewers "the drama of the media" and "the drama of perception" instead of the classical dramatic structure, the conventional interpretation of presence and the intensity of acting.

On 8 and 9 June, Goebbels will present a special and spectacular performance of Everything that Happened and Would Happen at the Tüskecsarnok. As a prelude, the director will give us an insight into his creative world, and the second half of the meeting will include an opportunity to talk to the globetrotting artist.

Participation is free but registration is required.

To register, please contact [email protected] or click here.

Date: 26 May 2023 - 3-6. pm

Inviting Theater
University of Theatre and Film Arts, Budapest