The festival includes performances seeking new ways of storytelling and immersive technologies, all of which were created in the framework of the international theatre cooperation PlayOn!. This European collaboration has been researching the relationship between digitalisation and theatre for youth. In doing so, they have supported innovative productions in which the creators replaced classical storytelling with interactive forms, using digital technologies that are widely known to young people. In these performances, spectators become participants, sometimes because they watch the story through VR goggles; or an interactive tablet guides them through the city; at other times, they can influence the storyline through their mobile phones; or they are wandering in a virtually created soundscape. Europe's best research groups dealing with digital tools helped the artists to create these essential works.
Invited theatres: Theater Dortmund (Germany), Elsinor Centro Di Produzione Teatrale (Italy), Landesbühnen Sachsen (Germany), Landestheater Linz (Austria), Teatr Ludowy (Poland), Teatro O Bando (Portugal), Pilot Theatre (United Kingdom)