The historical events of the last century have proved several times that social exclusion is an apparently simple solution, but in reality it does not work. Despite this there were people who wanted to settle the issue of minorities, arising again after the Second World War, with population exchange, deportation and forced settlement. This is a sad and meaningless episode of history.
This show is based on the traditional dance and music culture of the Hungarian population still living in Slovakia today. It speaks of the innermost visceral feelings and associations, rather than the intellectual. We are all the products of interactions between different cultures, ideologies and stories, yet there is an
unexplainable and irrational demand in many to distance themselves from everything that is ‘different’. Any permanent isolation results in exclusion though, in all the many areas of our lives. In this case, we are left with the one question: Will we be the excluders or the excluded ones? The basic motivation for “Expatriatisation” is compulsion. The compulsion to move. Zugzwang.
The Tournesol, Muharay and "Author of the year in 2017" Awards-winning choreographer and director started producing choreographies in 1989 at the age of 18, today more than 100 works can be attached to his name.
Hégli studied choreography at the University of Arts, Bratislava (VŠMU), then later dance pedagogy at the Hungarian College of Dance, Budapest. His works, reflecting a novel choreographic approach quickly caught the attention of other professionals both in Slovakia and Hungary. In 1999 he was awarded the position of Director of the Ifjú Szivek Dance Theatre.
On his initiative, the group became a professional company and under his direction it has become a significant part of the traditional Hungarian dance revival movement in Central Europe. As the artistic leader of Ifjú Szivek Dance Theatre from 2000 onwards, Hegli has premiered a number of productions each year.
These days Hégli has become a world wide name with many choreographies to his credit. In his productions, his believable interpretation of traditional dance culture and thoughtful dramatic structure together form his inspiring artistic style. The music, stage, lighting and costume make the difference, working together to create a new language of expression for traditional dance.