Medea. King's daughter, wife, betrayed, abandoned.
Medea. Stranger. Banished. Sorceress. Also, child murderer.
A myth that has persisted since antiquity to the present day and always raises the question of guilt all over again.
Stone's adaptation brings Medea into the present and intertwines the ancient tragedy with a real story: in the 1990s, American doctor Debora Green set fire to the family home after her divorce, killing her three children. In the process Medea becomes Anna in Simon Stone. Jason is called Lucas.
Anna is no longer a king's daughter, but a pharmacist, recently released from a stay in a psychiatric clinic. They have two children together, Edgar and Georg, who must cope with the broken world of their family. There is also Lucas' new girlfriend Clara, who is not only the daughter of his boss Christopher, and thus Anna's ex-boss, but also shows potential for the best of enmities. Even Mary-Louise, the woman from the social services, seems to be more of a curse than a blessing. The world against Anna or Anna against the world? Or all together against the children?
Rights of publishing: S. Fischer Verlag GmbH THEATER & MEDIEN
Nina Lorenz was born in Darmstadt and studied dramatics and German philology in Erlangen and Berlin before joining Herbert König as assistant director at the local theatre in Essen.
After further positions at the municipal theatres in Tübingen, Wilhelmshaven, Constance and Düsseldorf, she worked as a dramaturge/director at the E.T.A. Hoffmann Theatre in Bamberg from 2003 to 2005.
She has directed at independent theaters in Bamberg, Erlangen, Nuremberg and Berlin. She had training in physical theatre with the Argentinean theatre-maker Norberto Presta. She has many years of experience with theatre work in therapeutic institutions.
She is the founder of the Theaterwerkstatt Haßfurt (1999) and its manager since then. Nina Lorenz is the co-initiator, founding member and the artistic director of the TiG, which exists since 2014. She is a jury member for the Art Scholarship and for the Culture and E.T.A. Hoffmann Prize of the City of Bamberg.
Directed works at the TiG: Dreier / multiple choice / König Ödipus / Push up / Like me / Die Unzertrennlichen / Er ist reif / Jekyll und Hyde / Geierwally / Totentanz / Wahlverwandtschaften / Purple Rose of Cairo / Maria Stuart / Hamlet / Anna Karenina / Arsen und Spitzenhäubchen / Ab jetzt / Audioweg W:ORTE / Die Jungfrau von Orleans / Die
Dreigroschenoper / Medea.