'In sports, the Olympics are the symbol of peaceful competition between peoples and nations. It is rejoicing that such a worldwide event like Theatre Olympics has existed in the world of theatre for a long time now.
The fact that it will be held in Budapest next year sends a particularly strong message. We can demonstrate the values of our national-cultural heritage in this universal competition. Operetta is the Gesamtkunstwerk of performing arts. We are certainly world-leaders in performing Hungarian operetta. We don't need to imitate anyone.
Drawing from our own well-spring, following the traditions of our national-cultural heritage we are able to provide a performance that everyone can understand and embrace worldwide from Israel to Munich, Vienna to Dubai, the company of the Budapest Operetta Theatre fascinate viewers everywhere.
This time, as part of a small Csárdásfürstin Festival the Theatre Olympics offers us the opportunity to compete, we can find out where we are located in the international palette of the genre, offering the audience the opportunity to compare with the interpretation of the Csárdásfürstin by two foreign companies.' Atilla Kiss-B. general director