Theodoros Terzopoulos, whose play Nora (Attis Theatre) opened the MITEM festival as part of this year’s Theatre Olympics in Hungary and which has resonated around the world, proved once again to be a master of this art.
From Easter to Midsummer's night, Budapest and Hungary will become a celebratory meeting point for the theatrical world as 400 companies from 58 countries converge to perform in the 10th International Theatre Olympics.
On 15 April, the 10th International Theatre Olympics officially kicked off with a series of opening events in Budapest, featuring a variety of events, artist productions, concerts and street theatre performances.
On 18 April at 19:00, Teodoros Terzopulos and Suzuki Tadashi will hold a discussion entitled The Mindset and Collaborations of the Theatre Olympics at the National Theatre's Attila Kaszás Hall.
On 16 April, at 20:30, after the Attis Theatre's performance of "Nora", there will be a public meeting with the author of Theodore Terzopulos' book The Return of Dionysus.
During the Athens stop on the journey of the mask, founder Theodoros Terzopoulos was visited by our crew in his theatre, the Attis. Video highlights of our time at the theatre of the Greek director giant.
On the occasion of World Theatre Day a traditional theatrical mask donated by Theodoros Terzopoulos to the 10th Theatre Olympics will "go on a journey" to visit some of our guest artists.
Theodoros Terzopoulos, one of the founders of the Theatre Olympics, sent the following message to the Hungarian organisers of the event of the world theatre.
President of the Theater Olympic Committee, Theodórosz Terzopulosz founded the Attis Theater in 1985. During the creation of the first production, a specific working method was developed.
Attis Theatre's performance of A Doll’s House followed by an audience meeting to present Theodoros Terzopoulos' book The Return of Dionysus, with the author.