
Heiner Goebbels - fotó: Eöri Szabó Zsolt
European Theatre Prize and International Ibsen Prize-winning German composer and director, Heiner Goebbels will hold a workshop entitled The Aesthetics of Absence at the Uránia National Film Theatre on 26 May as part of the 10th Theatre Olympics.
Seedling/Helen Crevel
The Climate Fresk workshop offers an opportunity for participants to organise and have an overview of the fundamental science behind climate change.
Terzopulosz demonstrációja a 2016-os Színházi Olimpia idején Wrocławban - fotó: Karol Jarek / theatreolimpics2016.pl
President of the Theater Olympic Committee, Theodórosz Terzopulosz founded the Attis Theater in 1985. During the creation of the first production, a specific working method was developed.