Our aim, as the National Theatre of Győr, is to bind together some of the most culturally vibrant cities along the Danube in an act of a theatre festival: a meeting point, a place of common narrative.
Our festival will be held in the late spring of the year, in Győr, at the National Theatre of the city. We would like to organise our own international theatre festival, the Danube Theatre Festival, for the cities, with which we share a very important trait: having the river Danube among our natural wonders. From end to end, starting from Baden-Baden’s Black forest, to finally resting in the Black sea, the river Danube flows through ten countries of Europe, all of which treasure colourful national identities, with important cultural and theatrical manifestations of this wide palette.
Since, this is our unique link, we would like to invite one theatre production from these cities and show what makes each of us different and similar at the same time.
So, theatres, who feel the need to be heard and seen, are welcome to participate, with a production that would represent their country and their theatrical identities – classical or contemporary – during this international theatre meeting.